Amma's PNW Region



More details and updates on amma.org/news/retreat-february-swamiji

Registration is now open for the 2 day retreat that will be led by Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri on February 13 & 14. Take time to connect with Amma’s teachings under the guidance of her senior-most disciple! Swamiji will offer spiritual talks, interactive sessions, and devotional singing. In addition, Amrita Yoga, opportunities for meditation, and devotional classes will be offered by Amma’s North American disciples and devotees.

It’s Movie Night! 
One World, One Family: Story of Saint Francis, Parables and More!

Enjoy watching past play productions written, directed and performed for Amma in Amritapuri. (Amma’s South India Ashram). View the full-length play The Lord's Prayer-the Story of Saint Francis (2014) with new behind the scenes commentaries! Additional parables include David and the Goliath (2015) and The Life of an Elephant-Parables from Mary, Mary, Mary, featuring The Parable of the Sower, The Good Samaritan, and You Give My Life Joy and Happiness (2010).

$15-Get Your Ticket: courses.amritavirtualacademy.com/courses/movienight
Movie Night is offered through the Amrita Virtual Academy along with the Holiday Reunion event.

Protecting Mother Nature
Through Action, Education and Awareness

"All of nature, the grass, the insects, the trees, animals and people, are parts of a greater whole...  When we humans fall in love with nature, she will fall in love with us."

- Amma


Amma asks each of us to take more responsibility for serving nature.  Within the parameters of Amma’s green initiatives, amma.org/global-charities/green-initiatives, what are you doing to make positive changes in your own life?

Waste Reduction: Karuna - Seattle, WA

Forty percent of the food in the US is wasted.  In March 2020, I started buying, at reduced cost, some of my food from Imperfect Foods, an internet-based program for purchasing surplus food or items not up to grocery store standards.  I also began using Ridwell, a Seattle based program that has expanded to other PNW cities.  The company picks up almost all of the soft plastic waste which city recycling won’t take, as well as other un-recyclables.  Doing this eliminated almost all of my trash.  Now I use a micro can and it is never more than ¼ full. 

Deep Reverence For Mother Nature: Swarna - Victoria, B.C.

My way of honoring nature is by spending time every day in nature’s glory: walking in the forest at dusk, as the sun is setting, the sound of the owls hooting in the distance. My heart becomes filled with mantra japa and being in awe with the beauty of creation, remembering Amma’s beloved form, Her deep compassion at every step.  This gives me such a deep reverence for Mother Nature.

Ways I try and protect nature are by doing forest cleanups. This is done with the kids I work with at a local middle school. I also have a veggie garden. I’m also very conscious of how much water I use. This lesson of being water conscious has stuck deeply with me from being in Amritapuri. I continue to practice this, taking no more than what is needed. 

Everyday Litter Cleanup: Ken - Vaugh, WA

What I love about picking up litter is that I can do it every day when I’m out walking for whatever reason. It doesn’t have to be a dedicated trash pickup event. And the benefits of picking up trash are immediate....the area is clean and there is less plastic to harm God’s creatures.

You are creation, You are creator, You are the breath of life in all of nature
Amma’s bhajan Shrishtiyum Niye


Submissions Gratefully Accepted to the monthly Protecting Mother Nature article.

What small and large steps you are taking to honor and protect Mother Nature?
Send submissions here:



"The lover's constant single-minded focus on the beloved touches the innermost recesses of his heart, where words and speech cannot reach. All explanations stop. No more elaboration is possible then.  The lover gets drawn into a constant state of meditation.  At that point the two become one."

- Amma, from Awaken Children Vol V.  Shared by Chitroop, Oregon

Share your favorite Amma Quotes and Lyrics. 
Send quote & source to ammapnwregion@ammagroups.org

NEW IAM Courses –February 2021


IAM-20 Course
1st Thursday of each month
February 4, March 4, April 1, May 6
10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Pacific Time
To register, sign up here.
Questions? Email: meditate.iam@gmail.com

IAM-20 Course
February 7, Sunday
9:00 am to 12:30 pm Pacific Time
To register, contact: Sreemayi

IAM-35 Course
February 20-21, Saturday and Sunday
10:00 am - 12:00 pm and 2:00 - 4:00 pm, Pacific Time
To register, contact: joncrews@aol.com

For upcoming IAM-35 Guided practice sessions visit:

Amma Laughing

Laughter Medicine

"I can’t believe I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off."

- Surabhi, Port Angeles

Got a joke to share?  Send to ammapnwregion@ammagroups.org

More Happenings

For weekly vintage Amma videos, IAM refresher classes please see the 
PNW Events Calendar and the Virtual Events Portal.


“Love is the breath of the soul” - Amma

Contact us at ammapnwregion@ammagroups.org.
You can catch up on missed emails at Amma's PNW Newsletter Archive.


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