Amma's PNW Region

"The ability to retain equanimity of mind in all circumstances
is what makes a successful life."   -Amma


"If you are carrying a heavy load, the mere thought that a resting place is nearby will make you feel at ease, for soon you will be able to unburden yourself of your load.  On the other hand, if you think that the resting place is far away, the weight will seem heavier.  Similarly, when we think that God is close to us, our burdens are lessened. 

Once you have stepped onto a boat or a bus, why would you continue to carry your luggage?  Put it down!  Likewise, dedicate everything to God.  He will protect you." 

- Amma, from For My Children, pg. 118


Creativity from Around the Pacific Northwest

Prayer for Humanity
By Diya

This is my wish for all of humanity:

Let's hug it out and stop the insanity, love one another and be one global family!

If we'd all be more giving and share our stuff, life for so many wouldn't be so tough.
We could all come together, sharing what we have, leaving more time to play and build castles in the sand.

Like children we'd run wild and free, realizing there's nothing to do but be!
We'd encourage each other with kind words and be good listeners so all felt heard.

We'd pull each other up with the hand of love rather than looking down with judgment from above.
We'd put down our weapons and pick up our paints, creating art and beauty all over the place.

We'd honor and respect our Dear Mother Earth, having compassion and reverence for the place of our birth.
We'd care for and protect creatures great and small, understanding our existence depends on them all.

We'd share our food and all our toys, not caring if one identifies as a girl or a boy.
We'd meditate more and stop the mind chatter, celebrating each crayon in the box knowing all colors matter.

This is my wish and my heart's simple prayer and with effort and Amma's grace, one day we'll get there.

GreenFriends PNW Newsletter
Click here or on the picutre above to download

IAM Courses –January/February 2021
Amma's Hands

Feeling disheartened by the state of the world?  Be part of the solution!  Amma says IAM meditation brings about peace and harmony both within and without. It is for world peace, which results through inner peace. She says that when we meditate it is not only we who benefit; the whole environment is purified. To some extent all beings in the world are benefitted.  

Meditating in a group can boost your practice and multiply the benefits gained by you and the whole world.  Join us for group meditation at any one of the weekly sessions listed below. 

Weekly Guided IAM Sessions - January 2021

IAM-20 Mondays: 9-10 am
IAM-20 Wednesdays: 4:30-5:30pm
IAM-20 Thursdays: 7:30-8:30pm
IAM-35 Tuesdays: 7-8am
IAM-35 Wednesdays: 5:30-6:30 pm
IAM-35 Thursdays: 9-10am
IAM-35 Fridays: 9-10 am
IAM-35 Sundays: 8-9 am

For IAM-20 and IAM-35 graduates only.
To Register Contact: Kumuda kumudakali@gmail.com

Full IAM-20 Courses – 2021

Sunday, February 7th
9:00 - 12:30 am, Pacific Time
12:00 pm to 3:30 pm Eastern Time

To register, contact Sreemayi at dania@netidea.com

For upcoming IAM-35 courses and more Guided practice sessions visit:



"If you stand together in oneness, you can soar up and stretch across the sky
like the rainbow with all seven colors harmoniously standing
sided by side - the symbol of peace and beauty." - Amma

Ongoing Events

Please see the PNW Events Calendar and the Virtual Events Portal for the latest events happening around the Pacific Northwest.

Contact us at ammapnwregion@ammagroups.org.
You can catch up on missed emails at Amma's PNW Newsletter Archive.


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