Amma's Pacific Northwest Region
Amma in Bellevue,WA
Amma Tour
Amma will soon be amongst us. We look forward to seeing you all with our beloved Amma on June 6 - 7, at the Hyatt Regency, Bellevue.
Visit the tour page for the latest updates and information. Please spread the word and invite your friends and family.
Pre-Program Volunteer Needs
Tuesday Evening Volunteer Needs:
Help Unload Local Supply Truck Tuesday in the evening. Contact Gaurang: 206-953-6374 or email
Wednesday 2pm Volunteer Needs:
Unloading & Setup at Hyatt Bellevue from 2 pm.
Please join Amma’s Greening team!
Please join Amma’s Green team and be part of the solution! As part of Amma’s Green Team, you will have the opportunity to educate and inspire others by serving as an example of Amma’s teachings to Love, Protect and Care for Mother Nature while earning extra grace and punya points at the same time!
  • We need energetic sevites to help with the recycling and composting needs during Amma's 2-day program in Bellevue.
  • Amma’s GreenTeam will consist of 8 -10 sevites who will commit to 1 or more three-hour shifts for each day of the program, and an additional hour or two during the late night and morning hours of Devi Bhava.

The shifts are 2-3 hours yet your active time of doing rounds will be 60-90 minutes roughly, with time in between to be in the hall with Amma. For more information, please contact Radha Devi at
Snack Donations for Amma's Tour Staff
As in past years, we will be providing Amma’s hardworking Tour Staff with food/snacks during the programs.If you would like to donate any of the listed items, please drop them off at the Welcome Desk at Amma's program.
Due to various restrictions, we can only accept certain types of snacks. Snack foods and baked goods (e.g., cookies, cakes, muffins) work well, but we can't accept items that are temperature-sensitive (e.g., nothing that must be kept heated or that needs to be heated up), so please take a look at the below list of foods that will work just fine.
Gluten-free snacks are always welcome...
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Amma Shop Security Volunteers Needed
Amma Shop Security Shifts: We Need Your Positive Energy! This fun position in the main hall with Amma supports Amma’s Bookstore by helping people to understand the system of purchasing items while ensuring that jewelry and other goods are paid for. Contact
Amma's Program - Greeters Needed
We expect lots of people this year and want to make sure people feel welcomed, get a token, and get the information they need to enjoy the program. We would love your help welcoming guests before the program begins!
Come help! It’s fun and easy – no experience required just your smile and warmth! We especially need Greeters from 7:30 to 10:00 am the first day. Also 2 hours before the beginning of each of the other programs. Contact Stewart at
Licensed Massage Therapists Needed
Can you volunteer a few hours of chair massage during Amma’s programs? If you are licensed in Washington State, we need you! This is a wonderful way to support fundraising on behalf of Amma’s humanitarian programs "Embracing The World”. Please contact Rajani at for more information.
Bringing Flowers To Amma's Program?
Every year at Amma's programs, we receive flowers from the homes of devotees and this year we would like to request the following if where possible:
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Post Program Clean Up
Many hands can really help with the post-program cleanup. Come and share your energy and love after spending two blissful days with Amma by cleaning up the hall/rooms and helping with the load out of supplies. Please sign up for program clean up at the seva desk or contact Brad Joss at the end of the program to offer assistance.
All are welcome! Please invite friends and family to join.

"Looking through the small windows of our mind, we come to wrong conclusions about ourselves and the world. The guru is the most noble and trusted friend who awakens us to the reality that, “I am not this small entity (body, mind and the intellect); I am the infinite, as pervasive as the sky. I am fullness itself."
- Amma

Contact us at You can catch up on missed emails at Amma's PNW Newsletter Archive.
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