Amma's Pacific Northwest Region
Virtual Bhagavati Seva Puja
Friday, July 31, 5pm PST
Bhagavati Seva Puja is an ancient Vedic puja ceremony done to restore balance in the environment and bring peace within us and the world. It balances the malefic effects of planets. It is a very beneficial puja performed to keep us in harmony with cosmic forces, thereby removing and overcoming the sorrows of life and bringing spiritual upliftment.
Pujarini Meera will perform the puja per the Kerala tradition, to receive the blessings of the Divine Mother. To attend this virtual puja event and make a sankalpa/special intention sign-up here. The video conference details will be emailed to you after you complete the sign-up. All proceeds benefit Amma's humanitarian projects.
Where: Virtual Event (sign-up required by 7/30, 1pm PST)
When: Friday, July 31st, 5 pm - 7 pm PST
Contact: or text (828) 738-AMMA (2662)
August IAM Meditation Sessions
We have added a 9am Thursday IAM-35 session to the weekly offerings along with two IAM-20 Courses this month. We have a tentative weekend IAM-35 Course set for September. All sessions will be presented via Zoom. Connect with your computer or use the phone in option. All timings are West Coast PDT. Everyone is welcome!
GUIDED IAM Sessions - Weekly August 2020
IAM-20 Mondays: 9-10 am
IAM-20 Thursdays: 8-9pm
IAM-35 Tuesdays: 7-8am
IAM-35 Wednesdays: 5:30-6:30 pm
NEW!IAM-35 Thursdays: 9-10am (beginning Aug 6)
IAM-35 Fridays: 9-10 am
IAM-35 Sundays: 8-9 am
For IAM-20 and IAM-35 graduates only.
To Register Contact: Kumuda
Full IAM Courses - Aug & Sept 2020
Virtual IAM®20 - Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique
3 hour Course - Don’t miss this opportunity to experience a powerful meditation technique created by Amma. The IAM®-20 Meditation is a unique integration of gentle yogic stretches with an effective and easy to practice sitting meditation. It can be comfortably performed by anyone in just 20 minutes per day.
When: Saturday, August 15th @ 12:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Where: Your Home! Connect with Zoom.
When: Wednesday, August 26th @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm - Part 1
Wednesday, September 2nd @ 4:30pm - 6:00 pm - Part 2
Both sessions must be attended to complete the Course.
Where: Your Home! Connect with Zoom.
To Register Contact: Kumuda
Virtual IAM® 35 - Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique
8 hour Course - The IAM - Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique® is a powerful tool for our spiritual growth. Amma has said that this meditation acts on a very subtle level--eradicating all our negative tendencies, slowly but surely, and gives obvious practical results very fast. She has assured us that if we practice IAM regularly we will see all aspects of our lives improve.
The 8 hour IAM Course is offered for those people who are deeply interested in spiritual practice. This is the IAM Course that has been offered at Amma’s retreats for the past 15 years. The Course includes Amma’s spiritual teachings on meditation and practical guidance for a worry-free life. You will learn a 35 minute practice integrating several modalities focusing on movement, breath, sound and light.
When: Sat & Sun, September 12 & 13 (TENTATIVE)
10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm both days
Where: Your Home! Connect with Zoom.
You must attend ALL 4 sessions to complete the 8 hour Course.
To Register Contact: Kumuda
"Meditation increases your vitality and strengthens your intelligence; your beauty is enhanced; your mental clarity and health improve. You acquire the patience and fortitude to face any problem in life. So, meditate! Only through meditation will you find the treasure you are seeking."
PNW Virtual Events Portal
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A spiritual being should be like a tree that gives shade even to the person who cuts it asunder.
- Amma